Sunday, November 21, 2010


Spent some time over the weekend working on installing the control cables and levers.....

STD Instruments and steering damper

Can't wait to use them properly!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

BSA Photo Shooting

I decided to take some time today, get out of the workshop and enjoy what may be the last good weather of the year before winter comes. I've been doing lots of small thinks on the BSA over the last few weeks, last night I decided to out her together so I can start planning the paint scheme. Here's my "blank canvas" .....just add paint.....

It would look cool to drop her down this low but I don't think it'd be so comfortable to drive!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time on the computer is dangerous....and expensive

I got lucky on another deal today, 45’ springer fork with outboard rockers (WLC Type) with fits nicely with the star hubs and brakes :o))), now I just have to drive to Bern (Switzerland) to pick it up....then get rid of the chrome and paint it black!!

45' parts update

Floor board, foot controls, lights horn, fender, battery box, primary cover etc etc etc :o))))))

Got luck this week on Ricardo (swiss version of Ebay) and scoped all these parts for not so much!
Couldn't even buy 2 repo fenders for the price I paid for everyting :o)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Progress report

Last week I was working on the rear fender and the support bars along with the rear light set up. Managed to get it all welded up on Friday evening which meant the weekend was free for other jobs!
My neighbour (who is also a keen biker) stopped by my place on Saturday to see how I was getting on with my BSA project and he asked a good question.......what are you going to do with the exhaust system? After he left to start work on his bike I decide to try mocking up the pipe, so I fired up the welding machine and got to is the results I’m please with my weekends work.Road legal....may be.....well may be not......anyway job done ;o)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Road Legal and ready to go

Yesterday I received some documents from Piaggio to try and help me to get my PAV trailer on the road and guess what it worked, well worth the money and thanks to both Pino & Romano for the Italian help!!!! I now have a full MFK (MOT) on both the trailer and also the vespa which means no more avoiding the police.....she's fully road worthy, legal & “Veteranenfahrzeugs”.

Today is a good day :o)

Monday, July 26, 2010

BSA Project progress

Slowly but surely I getting on the BSA project, while on holiday in the UK I managed to get quite a few thing ticked off the shopping list from taps and dies to engine parts! Here a small update showing some of the weekend fabrication/metal work.
The new Battery mount/position.
Side shot showing the sissy bar and rear light mock up.

And a tail shot, why not!

Up close and personal with the GBX

Harley GBX final arrived!!!!

Fit's like it should and looks to be in a good condition......smiles all round :o)

One or two stamps on the box..........

Well it sure took a long time to get from Canada to Switzerland, it's seems like I've been wait months for this baby....oh wait a has been months!!!Check it out.......

Item successfully delivered
International shipment has arrived in the destination country
International item released from Customs to Foreign Postal Administration
International item arrived in destination country
International item has left Canada
Item accepted at the Post Office

Friday, June 25, 2010

Harley frame back from the blasters

Cleaned up nicely, just one small repair need in the rear upper leg but no things I can't sort out!

Back from the painter

Back from the painter black, black and black thanks you very much! Job done!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2 outta 3 hit today

Sooooo today start out good

1st call of the day was the water jet cutter telling me my BSA parts where finished and ready to collect......time to fire up the welding machine :o)

2nd call of the day was the company where I took the engine to get "boiled" she was finished and ready to collect!!! Check out the pictures........I very please up until now.........not a bad considering she's seen nearly 65+ years of abuse and probably a couple of hundred thousand miles, oh yeah and WWII!!

The only disappointing news was the BSA & Harley frame and parts where not ready to collect yet but maybe they’re ready for tomorrow, fingers crossed!!

Looks like new, now all I need to do is measure out all the clearances and see what needs to be replaced or re worked.
Can't wait to get the BSA frame back so I can finish off all these parts!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

BSA A7 Project

What are you going to do when the weekend weather forecast is rain, rain and more rain......I know what your thinking "garage time" but your wrong because 95% of the parts are either at the paints or at the engine shop.......AHHHHHHHH!!

So what's new......the filler cap arrived for the BSA project looks good can't wait to get that tank painted!

Also got a chance to do some of those small jobs today, this is the rear fender before........

And after......added a closing plate, then welded it all up and the groung it all down to match the side radius......nice :o)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Engine yesterday Frame today, I love the weekends

So the frame is now ready to bring to the sandblasters, I got the stearing lock out and removed the un wanter exra tabs that someone had installed some when in the last 70 years.......we'll have to wait and see what comes back but hopefully it's all good!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Off to the cleaner with this little lot....

So the strip down is finshed and it's now off to the cleaner with this little lot to get boiled, time to say good bye to that 68 year old oil stains, then I can final see what I've really got and what needs to be added to the shopping list as replacement parts...........
I think I'll be buying a new main pin this one looks alittle bit past it's best......
New bushes and she'll be ready again for the road again


Opps that's the last over size piston and she's not looking in too good shape........liners or a new set of cylinders and pistons......we'll have to see whats better price wise........